PinballX 5.02 |
8th April, 2021 |
Screen streaming is working again at GameEx online and now supports full screen exclusive apps too. I am working on an online list manager which will take you closer to managing your cabinet without getting off the couch (even if on the other side of the world). I have not taken donations for ten years and PinballX is essentially free software along with https://vpdb.io which I host. If you want to support the cause please consider purchasing a subscription or lifetime access. I hate to say it but money from my hobby goes a long way to motivate me if not support my lifestyle. Im not the one to go to on every product for some people these days but I (and others here) have motivated and inspired many people and innovated and been the first with many things.. You will get a lot for your money including GmeEx Online and you will keep me motivated, innovative and inspired.
GameEx, PinballX and Spesoft Products - Spesoft Forums
Thank you. Tom Speirs. |