New ERP installations can be so costly, they can even bankrupt a company. The chances are your existing systems, whether for finance, manufacturing, or stock control don't do everything
you would like them to.
In the majority of cases your systems have an accessible back end database.
Consider using Spesoft to provide web based interfaces to your data, to allow you to query, report, link and even provide a better method to add and change data.
For example:
- We can provide a search engine to query your orders in your ERP system, along side file based quotes in Excel format on your network.
- Provide automated mailing lists from your despatch and customer data.
- Provide web based reports for analysing your purchases, e.g. top suppliers, delivery performance.
- Highlight late or overdue deliveries, or simply have a system that emails you when orders are in danger of being late.
- Automatic emailing to customers upon despatch, with order tracking details
- How long does it take you to compile your performance indicators, consider automating this through a web based application.
- Purchase order approval.
- Web access for your customers, showing their order, and despatch details.
- In addition all the usual eCommerce, shopping, and online payment systems.
In summary, provide linked, accessible dynamic web based applications and reporting that enhance your existing systems and data, save you resources, and improve your operations and image
to your customers.